Risk Management

Risk Management

Amherst Soccer Association follows the guidelines that have been established through New York State West Youth Soccer Association.  All Risk Management forms are managed by NYSWYSA.  Please follow the instructions to the left to request a risk management pass, which is required for each Amherst Soccer Association house league coach, travel league coach, travel league assistant coach, travel league team manager, travel league team trainer, and club administrator.

Below is the policy that has been established by NYSW:

Position Statement
The NYSWYSA has modeled its Risk Management program after the US Youth Soccer KIDSAFE program, which is designed to promote the welfare of youth players and to protect volunteer coaches, program administrators and the organization. The NYSWYSA will make every reasonable effort, through its Risk Management program, to exclude from program responsibilities (not to be confused with parental responsibilities affecting their own child) any adult with a legally documented history of child molestation or other record that would bring a material risk to the health and safety of the program’s participants.


  1. Any complaint of child abuse against a person currently involved in a NYSWYSA sanctioned, sponsored or approved event/activity or program must be reported immediately to the Operations Manager.
  2. All coaches, assistant coaches, managers, referees, administrators, and volunteers MUST fill out a NYSWYSA Disclosure Statement at least once every two years. The NYSWYSA considers an administrator to be a person who is a duly elected/appointed official of a member club/league or of the State Association, and a volunteer to be a person who volunteers time to a member club/league or NYSWYSA and who is not a coach, assistant coach, manager, administrator, or certified referee. All statements that are properly filled out and sent to the State Office will remain in effect for the entire seasonal year, in which they are received and the next, expiring at the end of the second calendar year.
  3. All Disclosure Statements and Risk Management search results are to be handled with the highest possible level of confidentiality and are to be stored at the State Office in a locked confidential file.


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