HOUSE SOCCER - U6, Fall, Winter, Spring,

HOUSE SOCCER - U6, Fall, Winter, Spring,

Indoor House Session 2

Schedules & Team Information

Find your child's name on the Team Assignments file.  Note their team number and name.

Then, open the schedule for your child's division (divisions are by gender and birth year).  Find their team number on the weekly schedule to see when your child plays.

All Games are played at the North Amherst Recreation Center (NARC) located at 4415 Millersport.


Team Assignments - Find your child's name to get their Team #


Schedule - Boys & Girls - Birth Year 2017-2018


Schedule - Boys & Girls - Birth Year 2015-2016

Schedule - Boys & Girls - Birth Year 2013-2014 AND Coed - Birth Year 2011-2012

Schedule - Coed High School - Birth Years 2007-2010

Reach out to your child's coach if you have questions:

Coach Contact Information






House uniform pickup - Tuesday, January 28 from 6:30PM - 7:30PM at the North Amherst Rec Center (4415 Millersport).

  • If you ordered a uniform at the time you registered, you can pick it up during this time.
  • If you did not order a uniform or need a replacement uniform piece - please come during this time. 
  • We can only accept CASH (exact change) or CHECK.  Full uniform kits are $49 and include a red jersey, white jersey, black shorts and black socks. 




~~ Open for all House programs - Now through Spring 2025

SPRING HOUSE LEAGUE (birth yrs 2007-2018) - Register

  • May-June  -  May 3-10-17-31 Jun 1-14-21-28

6U (birth yrs 2019/2020)  Register NOW for:       

Registration for all programs that begin in September 2024 through July 2025 are open for registration NOW

Current uniforms will be in use thru June 2025 - order at registration if you don't have the current kit for HOUSE only; 6U receives a free t shirt at the first day.

See the House league or 6U FAQ below for full info on each program


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